Thursday, August 29, 2013


October 25, 1987 at aprox. 4:00pm a little girl was being born. once she was through the birth cannal the doctor delivering her noticed a major problem. something was completely wrong. the umbilical cord was wrapped around the newborns neck three times. the doctor stuck his fingers into the birth cannal around the newborns shoulders and turned her so as to losen the cord so he would be able to cut her free. In the process of turning the baby, the doctor had dislocated the child's left shoulder. Once out of the birth cannal  at aprox. 6:00pm the newborn girl was already dead. the hospital staff tried bringing her back but failed. at 6:45pm the doctor was about to call the newborn baby girls time of death when he heard a faint little cry of protest. she had come back onher own. it was a time for joy and relief. At least, for only a short while. A few months latter the newborn's life now named Stephanie Nicole Tucker, took a turn for the worse. Stephanie's life from that point on became a true hell.

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