Thursday, August 29, 2013


At the age of  6 months Stephanie was raped by a male friend of her fathers while her mother was at work until night fall. Once home Lisa was so exhausted from the days work that she collapsed onto the bed still with her work clothes on. The next morning Lisa found her daughter in the crib still asleep. when Lisa tried to wake her she noticed something was terribly wrong "why isnt Stephanie waking up?" Lisa pulled the covers from her child and found a pool of blood under her baby girl. she panicked at the sight of her only child not breathing, skin so ghostly pale and clammy, her lifes blood spilled all around and over her daughter. in a severe panick Lisa called 911 hoping her 6 month old daughter wasnt dead. At the hospital, Stephanie was rushed into the E.R. where she was given multible blood transfusions and underwent surgery of her internal and external vaginal area. after hours of surgery, Stephanie was alive and good as new
but she was in a coma so they put her in the NICU. a few months latter Stephanie woke up from the coma and was released back into her mothers care once the hospital gave Stephanie a clean bill of health.
At the age of 1 1/2 years, Stephanie was left in the care of a babysitter while her mother was at work. the babysitter called her boyfriend over to the apartment where she was charged with  taking care of Stephanie and her newborn baby brother Mikey. when Stephanie's mother came back home she found her daughter on the floor bleeding, the babysitters boyfriend had already left by this time. Lisa called 911 then screamed and cursed at the babysitter asking her "what the hell happened?, how the fuck did this happen?, who the hell did this to my little girl?, why didn't you call the fucking cops once you found her like this?, how the hell could you let this happen?, where the hell were you when this was happening?, why wasn't you here?, why didn't you stop this from happening?"...... and so on..... At the hospital Stephanie underwent surgery of her internal and external vaginal areas. afterwards she was in a coma. after waking from the coma and given a clean bill of health Stephanie was released back into her mothers care...... But that was just the begining

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